# man bash | grep -A311 'The following variables are set by the shell' The following variables are set by the shell:
BASH Expands to the full file name used to invoke this instance of bash. BASHOPTS A colon-separated list of enabled shell options. Each word in the list is a valid argument for the -s option to the shoptbuiltin command (see SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below). The options appearing in BASHOPTS are those reported as on by shopt. If this variable is in the environment when bash starts up, each shell option in the list will be enabled before reading any startup files. This variable is read-only. ................
[root@vm-101 ~]# compgen -b | grep set set typeset unset [root@vm-101 ~]# set -o allexport off braceexpand on emacs on errexit off errtrace off functrace off hashall on histexpand on history on ignoreeof off interactive-comments on keyword off monitor on noclobber off noexec off noglob off nolog off notify off nounset off onecmd off physical off pipefail off posix off privileged off verbose off vi off xtrace off